Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back in the USA

Well, that went fast!   It seems like I was just getting used to the pace and way of life, and then it's back on a plane. I have hundreds of photos to sort through, and will start posting in earnest tomorrow.      In the meantime, here's one of the first photos I took after dumping my luggage and walking over to the school where class was in session.  Chaos erupted when we arrived, and all the kids ran out to get a look at us.   These guys are outside of their 3rd Standard class.  (third grade)

While I have a ton of photos of the kids I met along the way, I only have one photo of a man on the side of the road with a cobra.  Here it is.  Taken in the port area on the coast of the Arabian Sea.  The cobra is totally ready for his closeup.

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